Access our Summer 2024 Curriculum

Select from the links below to access this summer's curriculum resources for your state/district. For partners without customization, select "Core Curriculum."

Core Curriculum

Click the link below to access this summer's core curriculum resources.

Access Core Curriculum

NYCPS Curriculum

Click the link below to access this summer's NYCPS-specific curriculum resources.

Florida Curriculum

Click the link below to access this summer's Florida-specific curriculum resources.

How to Access the Curriculum Materials

For any issues accessing or navigating our Summer 2024 Partner Drive, please visit the link below for a detailed guide.

Weekly PD Session Links

Please visit your individual session's link for weekly PD schedules and zoom links.

Keep in touch.

To stay in the loop for all things NSSI, follow us on Instagram or subscribe to our monthly newsletter where we share highlights from this summer, and plans for the next.

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© National Summer School Initiative 2024